Starting point for life transformation and new hope.
Finding innovative solutions to strengthen our families and community by: building community awareness of obvious, and unspoken needs, proactively building new partnerships and collaborative solutions, uniting our faith-based, nonprofit, government, business and general community, promoting volunteerism and community giving, and providing a centralized navigation point that offers needs assessment, education, strength-building, guidance, and community resource connections.
We are a faith-based, 501c3, nonprofit organization that was founded on Christian values and creating a culture of respect, human compassion, and love for others. We believe, when given help recognizing obvious and underlying needs, assistance navigating barriers to meeting immediate needs or goals, , aid in navigating system challenges, and support and resource tools to help connect with the multitude of community-related resources, we can empower people to overcome their life challenges, meet their needs, gain strength and direction, and live a happier, healthier, and better quality of life. We believe that we are all blessed with gifts, strengths, skills/abilities, resources, and interests/passions, that, when identified and encouraged, can provide personal healing and growth, offers new-found life direction, and purpose. When we apply our unique personal, or organization-related strengths and resources, we can utilize these strengths to give back to our community, bridging gaps, finding innovative solutions, and create a new and stronger community unit.

“…it is only through cooperative planning, intelligent study and group action – activities on the part of the entire community – that lasting results can be achieved.” – W.K. Kellogg
There are significant gaps in our community – cracks that impact people, families, our community systems, and in-turn, our whole community see’s the results. We see broken homes, children without one or both parents, severe health problems, emotional illness, co-dependency on others and government, unsafe living environments, abuse and neglect, violence and gangs, addictions, youth failing in school and in life, people feeling alone and uncared for, suicide, on-going cycles of poverty and homelessness, special needs and disabilities, unemployment, people without confidence or strength, lack of knowledge of true needs and how to overcome life hardships, people with no positive support systems, and overwhelming frustrations of not knowing what is wrong, how to fix it, where to go for help, and how to sort through all of the challenges or our complicated, broken, community systems. Age, gender, income, and education do not separate us in these areas – we all struggle, it is how we overcome these struggles that defines our outcomes.
There is a big disconnect that is apparent throughout our community; businesses, nonprofit agencies, and churches in competition for finances or clients/customers/people, differences in beliefs or values that drive a wedge between people, lack of awareness of resources and how to access them, gaps between needs in our community and our community getting actively involved in meeting these needs, and lack of awareness of each person’s, each organizations strengths, resources, and role in reaching back into the community to be an active part of community solutions. Our community, working together, in value, in care and compassion, in unity – is the answer.